"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening and a lightening bug." -Mark Twain
"Proofread carefully to see if you any words out." -Unknown
Thursday, December 1, 2011
NaNoWriMo Results
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Bannded Books Week
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Weird Spelling Flubs
So sitting at my computer I knitted my eyebrows together and frowned. In one of my books I wrote my character has grey eyes. Note I said "grey" G-R-E-Y not G-R-A-Y. Now, I live in America so shouldn't it be with an A instead of E? Wrong sir!!! Because this character lives in a mythical country that is a sister country to England it is G-R-E-Y and I defile anyone who tried to tell me otherwise.
p.s. I like the E!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
YA Lit V.S. WAll Street Journal
He basically was saying that teens and parents need to talk about what they are reading if this concerns them. I thought it was a great post and I really appreciated it. Grant it, I'll be the first to say there there is some YA lit that I wouldn't recommend reading.....just like there are plenty of PG-13 and R rated movies I won't go see or recommend seeing, or parties I wouldn't' recommend going to, or whatever. So if you want to read what Scoot (and all the other comments [which a lot of parents were commenting!]) just go to Google and type in Scott Westerfeld blog and look at the July 7th post.
P.S. I already put this same post on my other blog because I felt it was important to put on both.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Vow of Silence and Poetry
Barriers of Life
By Lauren Withiem
What the world cannot see
Is what they push down.
What the world cannot be
Is what they frown.
What they do not know
Is how much you are capable.
What they do not show
Is that they are vulnerable.
You can do so much more
Than they believe.
All you need to do is soar,
But instead you grieve.
They judge,
Because you are not the same.
You hold a grudge,
And make them know your name.
Your heart turns to stone
From all the worlds dares.
You feel alone,
And you think no one cares.
You release all your fears,
Until that day you fall.
On your knees, in tears
After it all.
You scream out
To the world in pain.
Without any doubt,
You get on the next train.
At this new place
You get a new state of mind,
And you receive an abundant amount of grace.
Which you discover is kind.
Even the people who were rude,
And those who disparage.
Were not able to extinguish your positive attitude,
Or your massive courage.
The journey was hard and long,
And you want to forget.
Still you turned out strong,
And have no regret.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Roadmap To Publication
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I Carry Your Heart With Mine
I carry your heart with me (I carry it in
my heart) I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Midnighters and Scott Westerfeld
Last Thursday my buddy Candice wanted me to start reading this book series with her. I had heard of the series but never read it. (We're totally forming a two-person book club at Richland!) Anyway, I finished book 1 Friday night and thought it was okay. But, if anything, I got motivated to read. (In other words, continuing my phase of wanting to read because I really do go in phases of wanting to write, read, type what I've written from my notebooks, or none of those. It really just depends.)
Sooo, Saturday I told my mom that I just had to go to the public library. Because I knew for a fact that they would have a certain book in another series that I have been dying to finish. But school and life get in the way a little too much when you're an avid reader like myself. (My friends have called me an "Over-dramatic nerd" And by golly, its true! As long as it is pertaining to the fact that I get way into what I'm reading.)
Seeing how there is always opposition in all things, somebody checked out the book before me! I was devastated! But, after gathering up all my courage and reassuring myself that hope was not lost, I began searching for something different. And that's when I saw it. The Secret Hour of the Midnighters series as seen below.I thought "Hmm, looks interesting," I read the back. "Sounds interesting..." Saw the author (Because when I'm randomly looking for books to read I let them come to me, I don't search by author so I didn't even pay attention to where I was at.) And the author is none other than Scott Westerfeld, the author of my favorite book, Peeps. That sealed the deal.
I read the book in 2 days!
I highly recommend it to any fantasy lover looking for a good read. Actually, I just finished book two, Touching Darkness and I had a reaction that I've never had before. I won't tell you what happened in the book (obviously not to give out juicy spoilers.) but it was something that I could kind of guess could happen, but I really, really, didn't want to happen. Naturally it does. I flipped! I was reading at the end Chemistry and the bell rang right after I read the suspenseful bad part. I ran to my locker, yanked out my math

Now, I've read my fair share of books that bring out a strong reaction in me, but I've never gotten sick! That's how crazy good this book is people!!!!! I have the 3rd one in my possession which is bitter sweet. It's the last in the series. Scott Westerfeld, if you ever read this please write more!!!!! I love you, I love your book series, and I love all the emotional roller coasters it takes me on! Again, I highly recommend this series!

P.s. Scott Westerfeld has a really awesome blog that you can check out at http://scottwesterfeld.com/blog/
Thursday, January 13, 2011
If life is like a river
And each life a droplet in the river
Both big and small
We know that the current takes us where ever we are going
Were ever that is.
But one may care to ask,
Is this current taking me where I want to be?
What if I don't like where I end up?
What if it isn't me?
And so the great river breaks off into little streams
With their own flow
And their own destination
And I wonder if
the little droplets who chose to go
into the stream
look back the way they came
and wonder if they made the correct choice
And I wonder if
the many droplets who stayed
Look towards the stream
and wonder what the little droplets were thinking.
I can change the flow, perhaps.
I will choose my unknown.
I don't need to be the same
As the other droplets.
I can be different.
I can make a difference.
And the large droplets
Who stayed behind
Laugh at the little droplet's dreams.
"You can't change the world"
"You're only one little droplet"
"The river could spit you out
against the sandy banks
And let the sun evaporate you.
And who would miss you?
But what the large droplets
Who stayed behind
Do not know
Is that if that little droplet
is thrown
Off into the unknown
It will encourage grass to grow.
And that grass will sustain the small animals
And the small animals sustain the large.
And the large will sustain the man.
and he will continue the cycle
That would otherwise be broken
Except that one little droplet
created it's own flow.

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Pushed Away Lullaby
Pushed away where no one goes
Hear me? See me?
What, I beg of you
Lost in what the heart felt
Where in my darkness I go
In my shadow so deep
Pushed away, pushed so deep
Fallen away in my sleep
I fight for you
Vain I am.
Careless as you
Disappear. Fallen. Broken.
Hear my silent cry
Or fall asleep to my non-sweet lullaby