
I've been debating on whether to make a writer's blog for a long time now. My best friend suggested it but I was nervous to put my work out on the vast information compactor we know as the internet. But then I began taking a writing class and we had an assignment. We had basic guidelines and then we were off to let creativity happen. Mine came to like eleven pages. The next week our professor handed them out to other students so we could review them. The boy who got mine read it and left me so many positive comments that it totally pushed me into trying this. THANKS KEVIN! Enjoy!

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightening and a lightening bug." -Mark Twain

"Proofread carefully to see if you any words out." -Unknown

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friendship Guide section

Okay, So I've been working on my little book for a couple days now and I think it's coming along quiet well. So i decided to give out a preview. It's the forward to the story. Please note that it has not been edited or revised yet. What you see is what I wrote the first time. Enjoy.


In a popular abridged anime, a particular character is often quoted saying “The power of friendship!” to the point of comedy. Though it is a great for the series, the power of friendship is no laughing matter. The power of friendship rivals so many different influences it’s astounding.

But what is friendship and how powerful is it really? In Webster’s New World™ Dictionary a “friend” is described as “a person whom one knows well and is fond of” and “friendship” is “the state of being friends”. While these are nice general definitions, it is my goal to expand on them by branching out in different kinds of friends and the difference between them.

We all know that there are “real friends” and “fake friends”, but it is my personal belief that within those two branches there is a whole network of other forces and “sublevels” of friends and whether or not they are interchangeable. An example would be a boyfriend. Hopefully your boyfriend is under your real friend category…unless he turned out to be a heartbreaking and/or cheating jerk that used you. Or maybe you had friend that betrayed you and turned into a fake friend and then miraculously get on your good side again. (If any of you have had this experience please, let me know how it worked out because I am extremely interested.)

So how do you know what friends will help you and who will hurt you?

I would recommend thinking and listing your own personal qualities and then decide what kind of people you attract. After all, we usually attract and hang out with those who have similar qualities to us. Then, look at your best friend and pinpoint what you like most about him or her and ask yourself why. This can also be used on yourself. Out of your qualities, what is the one that people like the most? When thinking about all of these qualities of yourself or others, take note of what you think of your list. It’s not a bad thing to look at your list and go, “Hey, I’m pretty cool.” Or, the alternative is “I’m not so great.” I sincerely hope that this is not the case, but if it is, there are always opportunities for improvement. No matter what your list says, we all have powerful influences. These influences can be manifested in a variety of ways in a array of places. Take the kid in school that everyone wants to get to know because he/she just has this essence around him/her that everyone likes.

Take that last example and take it to the opposite extreme. Think about those who you don’t want to even touch with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole. What are their qualities that make you cringe away from them? We’re all human and it’s natural to want to shy away from people that are the extreme opposite of you—but that does not make it right.

I believe there are three friend categories in this world: Real Friends, Fake Friends, and Friends Waiting to Happen. And it is within these categories that I will make my points. Hang on with me until then.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


So, It's been a while.
Well, here is some words for thought....Earlier today I was downstairs, doing laundry (Thrilling, right?) and I was thinking about one of my friends who is in need of a lot of emotional help. Anyway, I then proceeded to think about friends in general. You know, once you begin to think about it you will find that there are a slew of different types of friends. We have acquaintance friends, semi friends, general friends, close friends, "friend" friends, real friends, 100% friends, fake friends best friends, best friends forever friends, family friends, and even Angel friends. (I call my best friends forever since before time my angel all the time)
So, as I had all of these running through my head and I kinda started thinking, someone should write a book about these different types of friends. I mean, we hear all the time that you only get a few really good friends in life and the rest come and go. But how do we know which friends are which? I have one friend that I've been friends with since Elementary school and I know for a fact that we will always be friends. She is my angel. I have another friend that I met in Junior High and she is another angel to me. These two friends mean the world to me. But there used to be a third.
Again, in junior high, I met a girl who moved into my town. We hit it off automatically. For three years we were nearly inseparable. But then something happened. When I was 14 we went to a camp together and we were roommates. I guess when you live with someone for a few days you really get to know them in a way you didn't think you could. I won't go into detail on what all happened in that week, or the agonizing weeks, months, and even now that followed. But one wedge got put between us and it destroyed us. I don't blame her for what happened, and only sometimes do I blame myself. My point in all of this is that a friendship that I thought would last for forever didn't. It's nearly impossible to even think about those blissful days without feeling a wound being reopened in my heart.
There are a lot of books that use friendship as their subject. But I've never read one that talks about friendship like I wanted one to. To talk about knowing the difference between friendships, and how to handle a broken one. I shared this idea with a friend of mine. I explained my thoughts and said "Someone should write a book like that."
He then looked with a 'duh' expression and said "You're a writer. You write it. Why wait?"
Good question.
A good question that I didn't have an answer to. Why shouldn't I give it a shot? What's the worst that could happen--I completely fail and suck at it? That's the author's risk. Now, I'm a fiction novelist, fantasy is usually what I like to "roll with" (as my sister would say) but I think I should give it a shot. I have no idea how it ill turn out, but I'm going to do it. I'll post little pieces of it on this blog so we'll see how it goes. At the very least I'll just rant about my personal feelings. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Back in October my writing teacher told my class and I about this website where you could download this program to help with writing. You can break your story down into chapters and then into scene so you will be able to analyze them separately. I finally got around to downloading it and I love it! This is the site link for those who are interested.

It's quick, easy to use, and just plain nifty, lol.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I wrote this poem the other day on sheer whim. I didn't really know what I was writing until the words stopped flowing. it isn't very long but it's nice.

You can't always be SupermanYou can't always fly up high.
You can't always be worried about krypt-o-nite.
Sometimes you can't be strong.
That's okay, don't you know?

You can't always fly,
You won't always be the one to touch the sky.
Sometimes you'll fall, even when you give it your all.
But that's okay
You can't always be Superman